Tag: design
Jim Faustino’s wonderful toy sculptures
No matter how old we get we never forget our love for toys, creative folks and especially young professionals can be seen inside their favorite toy shops on the weekends (or after work) to ogle at the new released action figure. And they’re not scouting the premises to buy that shiny new toy for their…
ElectroLychee Studio | Manila
Last week we had some visually appetizing sets with Serial Cut Studio | Madrid a company who collaborates with the best of the best the industry has to offer from photography, design, motion-graphics and 3D. Today were hitting closer to home with the dynamic duo of ElectroLychee direct from the Philippines. Individually they are Marcushiro…
Serial Cut | Image Makers since ’99
Since the conception of prodigalconcepts.com I have been regularly casting out my proverbial net far and wide for inspirational materials and resources to share with the community. We are so lucky to be in an industry where talent seems to be infinite; as a result inspiration is endless. You just have to know where to…
Elpinoy Chester Ocampo’s Awesome Illustrations
I’ve featured a few articles on illustrators and their illustrations since I started prodigalconcepts.com. Graphic illustrations are manifestations of all the youthful imaginations we have as kids. Having them realized in print and digital form just makes it more enjoyable. Just like magic coming to life, it’s exciting. And with all the great artists out…
Sana Takeda’s Graphic Illustrations for Inspiration
Comic books often shortened to simply comic and sometimes called a funny book, comic paper or comic magazine have grown from simple forms of entertainment teasing our youthful imagination to expensive and most sought after collectors item and why shouldn’t it be? Each page is a work of art, it’s like having an art gallery…
Inspiration: How to Draw Cartoons Online – Jeff Scarterfield
The internet is overflowing with rare gems. Websites that we can consider a great find in the multitude of websites trying to get a piece of that popularity pie. As a web designer I am often on a quest in search of new skills I could include to my arsenal. And one time I was…
How to Make Party Balloons in Photoshop Tutorial
Today I’m going to show you how to make party balloons in Photoshop, nothing fancy, I just find balloons handy from time to time. You can use it to take up an empty space in your scene, create desktop wallpapers like the banner I borrowed from deviantart.com by wisseh, they can be a lot of…
Inspiration: We will, WeeWillDoodle
I featured January “Jan” Cavan’s dawghousedesignstudio.com in my previous article Inspirations: Cultural themed website designs where I highlighted her web site’s grungy doodle inspired design. In that article I wrote that doodling and doodlers are now gaining momentum in the design community. To expand on that notion I would like to introduce you to a…
Typographic Portrait Tutorial by Abduzeedo
Typographic Portraits Using type to create portraits is a technique that produces a form of art known as typography. It involves arranging and modifying the type selection, spacing, font size, and the length of the line to be used in the artwork to come up with a desired illustration. Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors,…