Tag: graphic designer

  • Movie Posters : Jeremy Saunders Key Art

    Movie Posters : Jeremy Saunders Key Art

    I saw Jeremy Saunders while he was talking about the design concept behind the “Burning Man” movie poster at the Adobe Design for Impact Live Virtual Event last October 2011. The image below is a composite no surprise there, but the cool thing about it was the main image used in this poster (which is…

  • Harnessing your creativity – the Eminem hypothesis

    Do you ever find yourself staring into space when you’re conceptualizing a design or in the middle of writing an article? I’m sure that some of us get into some form of creative block every now and then. There are people who don’t, apparently their creative juices just keeps on flowing like a natural spring…

  • Johann Bodin’s magic cards and illustrations

    Anyone familiar with “Magic Cards” knows that a lot of talent goes into the design of a single card. And I’m not talking about those David Blaine or Criss Angel types of magic cards that disappear in front of your face. What we have is commonly known as Magic: The Gathering or just Magic and…

  • ElectroLychee Studio | Manila

    Last week we had some visually appetizing sets with Serial Cut Studio | Madrid a company who collaborates with the best of the best the industry has to offer from photography, design, motion-graphics and 3D. Today were hitting closer to home with the dynamic duo of ElectroLychee direct from the Philippines. Individually they are Marcushiro…

  • LOST – the animated series by Michael Myers at Behance

    I’m a big huge LOST (T.V. series) fan even from the very beginning, so when they aired the final episode last May 23, 2010 it was a bittersweet moment for me, just like losing a long time friend. I got to know the back-story for each of the main characters like Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke,…

  • Interview: Fran Rodrìguez Learte (DrFranken) of nastplas.com

    I had an amazing experience getting to know DrFranken a little bit a few weeks back, a digital artist from Madrid and the other half of nastplas.com, I featured some of his mind blowing artwork in my article “The art of DrFranken”. But today I got one even better, he was cool enough to shoot…