Serial Cut | Image Makers since ’99

Since the conception of I have been regularly casting out my proverbial net far and wide for inspirational materials and resources to share with the community. We are so lucky to be in an industry where talent seems to be infinite; as a result inspiration is endless. You just have to know where to look. Today we have an entire agency to look up to. They brand themselves as “image makers” and have been around since the late 90’s which gives them the experience most of us can only dream of, an agency studio called Serial Cut.

Madrid is the main HQ of Serial Cut studio but their projects easily cross international borders. With their main focus in Art Direction, Serial Cut works with an ever growing team of professionals in different areas such as photography, design, motion-graphics and 3D design.

What’s unique about this company is that they choose different collaborators depending on the nature of a given assignment. Most of the campaigns they work on are as versatile as the company itself. They cater to clients from the world of arts, culture, fashion or entertainment, always ready to offer each new project a change of look and feel of the design. Combining image and typography as a signature technique, they are also not squeamish about getting inspiration from current and past decades to give it new life and surpass expectations.

Serial Cut studio clearly defines an out of the box team in terms of technique and concept to reach a contemporary and fresh result. And they are an inspiration to all of us who are always on the lookout for the next big thing. Check out some of their projects…

Backlight Crew

Backlight Crew

Vacation Cube

Vacation Cube

Train Pop-up

Train Pop-up

The New Classics

The New Classics

The Brilliant Design Lecture

The Brilliant Design Lecture

Love the Planet

Love the Planet

Imaginary Flying Circus

Imaginary Flying Circus

Colour Illusion

Colour Illusion

Billboard Masacre

Billboard Masacre

Become a Fan

Become a Fan

Find Serial Cut on the web

Website: Serial Cut | image makers since ’99

It’s also interesting to note that they are always on the scout for fresh talents, so if you feel you have what it takes and would like to work with them be sure to drop them an email. Contact details can be found at their websites recruitment area. May the force be with you!





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